Thursday, October 5, 2023 3:30pm to 5:45pm
About this Event
701 21st NW Washington DC
The Julian Clement Chase Prizes honor undergraduate writing in and about the District of Columbia. They are presented by the University Writing Program in collaboration with the Creative Writing program and the Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service. For the first time, three Chase Prizes will be awarded, honoring distinctive modes of writing and thecultivation of diverse relationships between GW undergraduates and DC communities. Each prizewinner will share some of their beautiful work.
JCC Prize for Creative Writing in Washington
JCC Prize for Research Writing on the District of Columbia
JCC Prize for Community Impact in the District of Columbia
Hosted by Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Clarence Page
3:30 pm Opening Reception, 4:00 pm Ceremony, 5:15 Closing Reception