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The GW Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) is hosting the Innovation Competition to showcase impactful GW research with strong commercial potential. This platform allows GW inventors to present their ideas to a panel of judges, comprising seasoned entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. This year features a new format with only pitches, not posters. Finalists will win a share of $35,000* in prize money. In addition to winning cash prizes, many participants go on to license and commercialize their technologies after presenting at this event. 

*Prize money is for the development of a prototype or proof-of-concept. The 6 awards are split across finalists in two tracks: life sciences and physical sciences, with $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second, and $2,500 for third in each track.

Applicants must have an active unlicensed invention submitted to TCO to participate. Meet with TCO to discuss your invention and get help disclosing your invention through the GW Inventor Portal prior to application. All teams must include a GW inventor. Participants are required to prepare a 10-minute slide presentation with notes, along with a 3-5 sentence elevator pitch for their technology. TCO will select finalists based on preliminary pitches made in February.

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