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Most academic research involves data, and some research can be quite data-intensive involving numerous data files. The command-line "shell" is a powerful tool to organize and process data files. In many contexts, using a graphical point-and-click interface is not an option, and command-line skills are a must. In this workshop, you will learn and practice the most useful bash shell commands that will enable you to work in a command-line environment.

Mac users do not need to install any software. Windows users should install Git Bash for Windows.

This workshop is part of the Tools for Data Analysis series for those looking to deepen their understanding of how to interact with data and more effectively and creatively communicate their research findings to wide audience. If you need personalized assistance with a data analysis, programming, or a coding project, consider booking a consultation with one of our librarian-experts. Learn more about our services to support programming and coding and for working with data.

This workshop is part of the Using Programming and Code for Research series for anyone who wants to get started or learn more about use programming languages like Python, R, or other applications. These tools can help you to collect, manipulate, clean, analyze, and visualize research data or automate many repetitive tasks. If you need personalized assistance with a data analysis, programming, or coding project, consider booking a consultation with one of our librarian-experts. Learn more about our services for programming and coding and for working with data.

All sessions are free to GW students, faculty, staff, and alumni. GW has an institutional commitment to ensuring that all of our programs and events are accessible for all individuals. If you require any accommodations to participate in this event, please contact at least 72 business hours (3 business days) prior to the event.

In-person attendance of this workshop is open to anyone whose GWorld allows them to tap into Gelman Library. If you do not have access to Gelman, please attend online.

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