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Blackboard Ally

Thursday, October 17, 2024 2pm to 3pm

+ 1 dates

  • Monday, November 11, 2024 2pm to 3pm

Learn how the digital accessibility tool, Blackboard Ally, can help ensure your digital course content meets GW accessibility guidelines and provides individuals with disabilities equal access.

This workshop is part of the Tech-Boosted Teaching: Blackboard Essentials and Beyond series for GW instructors seeking to improve their mastery of the instructional technology for in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning. Workshops in this series are sponsored by the Instructional Core. The Instructional Core provides comprehensive, integrated solutions for instructors in search of teaching solutions. If you need personalized assistance with the technologies you use for teaching, or hands-on guidance in developing dynamic content for a course, consider booking a consultation with the Instructional Core.

This workshop is part of the Demystifying Digital Accessibility series for GW community members seeking the tools and understanding to make their teaching, research, and communication more inclusive and accessible to all audiences. GW is committed to making all digital content, including websites, social media, documents, etc. accessible and usable for everyone. Visit the library website for more information on Digital Accessibility.

All sessions are free to GW students, faculty, staff, and alumni. GW has an institutional commitment to ensuring that all of our programs and events are accessible for all individuals. If you require any accommodations to participate in this event, please contact at least 72 business hours (3 business days) prior to the event.

Event Details