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This short webinar will introduce users to the new entry point in Blackboard.

On May 19, 2023, Blackboard is being updated to incorporate the new Base Navigation. Base Navigation is a new entry point to Blackboard, designed with accessibility and mobility in mind. It will replace the existing My Blackboard tab. Base Navigation is a modern and user-friendly navigation menu that allows users to engage with key pieces of information from all their courses in one place. Your course structure and content WILL NOT CHANGE.

This workshop is part of the Technology for Teaching and Learning series for GW instructors seeking to improve their mastery of the instructional technology for in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning. Workshops in this series are sponsored by the Instructional Core. The Instructional Core provides comprehensive, integrated solutions for instructors in search of teaching solutions. If you need personalized assistance with the technologies you use for teaching, or hands-on guidance in developing dynamic content for a course, consider booking a consultation with the Instructional Core.

All sessions are free to GW students, faculty, staff, and alumni. GW has an institutional commitment to ensuring that all of our programs and events are accessible for all individuals. If you require any accommodations to participate in this event, please contact at least 72 business hours (3 business days) prior to the event.

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