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Program Trains You to Identify Colleagues and Others in Need of SupportWhere: Online

The GW Resiliency & Well-being Center will hold a Peer Training Session for the Care for the Caregiver Program (CFC) from 3-4:30 p.m. ET on Friday, March 24, 2023, for GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences (SMHS) and Medical Faculty Associates (MFA) staff.

The program trains you to identify colleagues and others in need of support, provide brief counseling, and link to additional EAP resources. After this training, you, as a Peer Caregiver, will be able to conduct brief (20-30 min) conversation sessions with colleagues and others in distress to help support them and potentially guide them towards further support resources. The goal is to have a Peer Caregiver representative available in every department throughout the SMHS and MFA. If you are interested in becoming a Peer Caregiver, please fill out the interest form.

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