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The Corcoran School of Arts and Design at the George Washington University is proud to present the 2024 Corcoran Scholars exhibition. The Corcoran Scholars are a diverse group of undergraduate students who have demonstrated exceptional talent and artistic vision through portfolio submissions and ongoing work. The exhibition is an opportunity for these students to showcase their pieces in a gallery setting, and curate a body of work that follows a theme. This year’s exhibition is entitled “Intersection,” and students were encouraged to submit new work that they have recently created. Additionally, students are charged with various aspects of creating a gallery show, including poster design, creating wall labels, installation, and reception planning. The exhibition will open on January 26th, and will remain up until February 27th. A reception will be held on January 26th, at 6:30pm. 

Artists Showcased:

Shelly Fatal
Tye DuSold-O'Connor

Amy Kleiner
Madeleine Brown
Gabby Fernandez
Allison Robbert
Danielle Towers
Tom Rath

Reception: January 26th, 6:30pm, Smith Hall of Art, Gallery 102 

On View: January 26th - February 27, 2024

Hours: Wed - Sat 1-5pm

Event Details