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Becoming a pro with Adobe Photoshop has never been easier. This workshop will walk you through the essential tools and functions of Photoshop. Learn to touch-up, adjust, and edit images for any purpose or project. Come join us as we tackle how to make the best use of the new “content aware” editing tools, filters, and more!

Participants are encouraged to install Adobe Photoshop on their laptop prior to the workshop. GW students can request an Adobe Creative Suite license through GW IT. All computers in the CREATE digital studio have the Adobe Creative Suite installed.

This workshop is part of the CREATE a Multimedia Masterpiece series for those interested in expanding their knowledge of the tools and processes for creating professional videos, podcasts, social media content, websites, video games, or other interactive experiences. Workshops in this series are sponsored by the CREATE digital studio, located on Gelman's first floor. The CREATE digital studio provides the equipment and expertise to facilitate effective digital communication, whether in person or online. If you are looking for personalized assistance with a multimedia project, consider booking a consultation with the CREATE digital studio.

This workshop is part of the Visualizing Data and Presenting Your Research series for those looking for creative and effective ways to communicate their research findings to a wide audience. Workshops focus on the tools for visual communication using maps, images, research posters, podcasts, video, etc. If you need personalized assistance with a data visualization project, consider booking a consultation with one of our librarian-experts. Learn more about our services for digital storytelling and multimedia and working with data.

All sessions are free to GW students, faculty, staff, and alumni. GW has an institutional commitment to ensuring that all of our programs and events are accessible for all individuals. If you require any accommodations to participate in this event, please contact at least 72 business hours (3 business days) prior to the event.

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