About this Event
May 7 - 9 | Breakfast & Lunch
Some say that the key to success is a ‘happy stomach’ and to help, GW Dining is bringing food trucks to Potomac Square for finals week. From Tuesday, May 7 through Thursday, May 9 food trucks will be parked in Potomac Square (2020 G St., NW) for Breakfast (8 am - 10:30 am) and Lunch (11 am - 1 pm). Stop by and grab a bite to eat with some friends as a study break. Students enrolled in a Spring Meal Plan can use a meal swipe to pay for a meal. Dining Dollars will not be accepted as a form of payment for this event. However, cash/credit/debit card can be used if you do not want to use a meal swipe. Questions? Email GW Dining at dining@gwu.edu or call 202-994-FOOD (3663).