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Join the GW Department of Chemistry for our second annual Caress Alumni Lecture, featuring Malika Jeffries-EL, PhD, senior associate dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Boston University. She will discuss "Design and Synthesis of Orgnic Electronic Materials."

Lecture Details

The past two decades have seen a dramatic increase in the number of consumer electronics in use. Previously, most households had a landline phone, one or two televisions and the occasional desktop computer. These days most people own numerous electronic devices, resulting in an increased demand on the semiconducting materials that drive this technology, in addition to the energy needed to power them. Accordingly, there has been a large amount of interest in the development of organic semiconductors, as many of the inorganic materials used in these devices are in limited supply. 

Organic semiconductors are either polymers or small molecules that feature and extended pi-conjugation. These materials possess many exceptional electronic, optical, and thermal properties and thus are well suited for applications, such as transistors, solar cells, and light emitting diodes. Unfortunately, there are several issues that must be addressed before real-life products can be developed. Unfortunately, there are several issues that must be addressed before real-life products can be developed. Our group focuses on the design and synthesis of new organic semiconductors based on low cost and/or easily prepared starting materials. 

The Caress Alumni Speaker Series was endowed by Drs. Edward and Virginia Caress and supports the return of prominent alumni to share their science and wisdom with current students.

Event Details