Thursday, September 21, 2023 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
The GW Resiliency & Well-being Center (R&WC) will present a Women's Well-being Lecture Series talk on "Complete Nourishment for a Women’s Journey" with Julie Wendt, MS, LDN, CNS, adjunct instructor, Department of Clinical Research and Leadership, GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences, and owner of Julie Wendt Nutrition. Join this interactive discussion about how we should interpret dietary advice through the lens of the female journey. By taking a look at popular nutrition advice that surrounds us in the news, we will explore which aspects are helpful and which may not work given female biology. Key topics include calorie counting vs. intuitive eating for weight management, intermittent fasting, and nourishment guided by our cycles and lifestage.
The Women's Well-being Lecture Series is supported by the Rosemary Bowes, PhD, Women's Mental Health Fund. Learn more about our women's well-being initiative.